Struct overview

Added in v1.4.0

Table of contents



Used to construct a struct schema with enumerated keys.

Note: Index signatures must accomodate the input/output types for all other enumerated keys. It will decode properly otherwise, but TypeScript will not permit construction of such a type

Note: The second parameter extraProps is deprecated, use Struct({}).strict() or Struct({}).addIndexSignature() instead


export declare const Struct: <T extends Record<string, Schema<any, any>>, Ix extends IxSigBase = undefined>(
  props: T,
  extraProps?: ExtraProps<Ix>
) => StructSchema<T, Ix>

Added in v1.0.0


StructSchema (class)

Use Struct({}) schema combinator instead


export declare class StructSchema<T, Ix> {
  constructor(public readonly definition: T, private readonly indexSignature?: ExtraProps<Ix>)

Added in v2.1.0

pick (property)

Re-declares a StructSchema by only including specified properties.

Returns a new StructSchema


readonly pick: <K extends keyof T>(...keys: readonly K[]) => StructSchema<{ [KeyType in keyof Pick<T, K>]: Pick<T, K>[KeyType]; }, Ix>

Added in v2.1.0

omit (property)

Re-declares a StructSchema by excluding specified properties.

Returns a new StructSchema


readonly omit: <K extends keyof T>(...keys: readonly K[]) => StructSchema<{ [KeyType in keyof Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>]: Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>[KeyType]; }, Ix>

Added in v2.1.0

partial (property)

Marks all properties as optional; applies Partial to both input and output types.

Returns a new schema.


readonly partial: () => Schema<Simplify<Partial<Input<T, Ix>>>, Simplify<Partial<Output<T, Ix>>>>

Added in v2.1.0

partialOption (property)

A variant of partial that applies Partial to input properties and maps each output property to the fp-ts Option type.

Returns a new schema.


readonly partialOption: () => Schema<Simplify<Partial<Input<T, Ix>>>, Simplify<OptionOutput<T, Ix>>>

Added in v2.1.0

readonly (property)

Marks all properties as readonly; applies Readonly to both input and output types.

Returns a new schema.


readonly readonly: () => Schema<Simplify<Readonly<Input<T, Ix>>>, Simplify<Readonly<Output<T, Ix>>>>

Added in v2.1.0

strict (property)

Sets a Struct Schema’s index signature to be strict

Returns a new StructSchema.


readonly strict: () => StructSchema<T, undefined>

Added in v2.1.0

addIndexSignature (property)

Adds an index signature to a Struct Schema.

Returns a new StructSchema.


readonly addIndexSignature: <Ix2 extends Schema<any, any>>(indexSignature: Ix2) => StructSchema<T, Ix2>

Added in v2.1.0

extend (property)

Extends a Struct Schema with additional properties. Keys specified in props will overwrite keys in this.

Returns a new StructSchema.


readonly extend: <T2 extends Record<string, Schema<any, any>>>(props: T2) => StructSchema<Spread<T, T2>, Ix>

Added in v2.1.0

intersect (property)

Intersects the present Struct Schema with another effectively concatenating their keys. Keys in this will be overwritten with identical keys in that.

Note: The index signature of that will be discarded.

Returns a new StructSchema.


readonly intersect: <T2 extends Record<string, Schema<any, any>>>(that: StructSchema<T2, any>) => StructSchema<Spread<T, T2>, Ix>

Added in v2.1.0