Annotate overview

Added in v1.2.0

Table of contents



Annotate a Json Schema with title, description, and references.

Note: references must be specified for all “Lazy” schemas, and must occur after the declaration of the primary schema. This is because mutual-recursion for json-schema is implemented as a ref, and that ref must be specified in the parent using Annotate


export declare const Annotate: <Refs extends Readonly<Record<string, Schema<any, any>>>>(params: {
  readonly title?: string | undefined
  readonly description?: string | undefined
  readonly references?: Refs | undefined
  readonly typeString?: string | readonly [string, string] | undefined
  readonly readOnly?: boolean | undefined
  readonly deprecated?: boolean | undefined
}) => <O, A>(schema: Schema<O, A>) => Schema<O, A>

Added in v1.2.0